Friday, June 26, 2009

Motherly Love

It rained and rained today. As a result, it didn’t get as hot as usual. Nevertheless, I was still in shorts and a sleeveless top. In the evening I went to sit on the steps as I do many evenings once the sun goes down – and in this case, once the steps have dried.

Whenever the children discover I am sitting out, they come running from every direction. I don’t know how they communicate but it must be something I can’t hear (along the lines of the way a dog whistle works) because they all show up at about the same time.
Anyway, I digress. Several kids were playing on the landing halfway up the steps, when the mother of one of the younger boys (maybe 3 years old) came out – as you can picture any mother anywhere in the world doing – with a jacket. She called him down, put him in the jacket, zipped it to the top, and put the hood up. I think the temperature was maybe 70, at the least.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've always said you wear a coat because your mom is cold.