Thursday, May 26, 2011

If not solar, then WHAT?

Last month I posted a link to Max's excellent summary of "Why not solar?"

But, if not solar, then how can the needs for rural lighting be met? The battery operated lamps and flashlights in the market in Ghana are cheap and very poor quality - there is no warranty, money back, or returns system so everything is "buyer beware".

In comes Burro. Whit has amazingly worked with a solar lamp designer to modify a solar light to work with our batteries. And he did it even better! The lamp has four settings, so the user can decide how much light they need and therefore, how long their batteries will last and how much it will cost them. It's amazing.

Check out the newest Burro product on the Burro website!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why not solar?

Yes, I'm home. Many of you know this, but for others who have wondered what happended to the blog, that is it, as we say in Ghana. In local lingo, that's right, I'm home. But, I just read Max's (Whit's brother) post on his blog about the progress of his book (It should come out this fall!) - and just loved this perfect summary of "Why not solar?" which is a question we get A LOT!

First the NY Times article he references:

Then his blog post response to the article:

Happy reading! Oh, and it's snowing (?!) in Medford today.