Friday, July 31, 2009

Pharmacopia of Plenty

The new agent we were training in the previous post runs a small provisions shop (packaged dry food, crackers, cookies, rice, beans, meal, water, etc.) as well as a Pharmacy. I hesitate to call Becky (Rebecca Tettey) a Pharmacist, because she has only a Certificate of “Participation” in a pharmacy class – probably more like a workshop or seminar and she can do only very basic arithmetic. Nevertheless, she is the only one with ANY training in pharmaceuticals – probably for 10 miles in each direction.

It looks like she carries mostly over the counter stuff – and a few generic meds that have probably been on the market forever and for which the indication is well known. However, Leslie tells me (when I call her seeking advice for myself or others) that many of the meds available here were taken off the market in the U.S. years ago. I guess the pharmaceutical companies don't mind endangering lives as long as it's not illegal.

As for some of the most interesting over the counter items, I especially like the Gripe Water and Blood Tonic. I have no idea what they are – but the Gripe Water has a picture of a baby – so I’m thinking it’s for cholic or something. Although, in my more wicked moments I imagine it is laced with benadryl or some other oft used “mother’s helpers”.

(This post is for Leslie and her new co-workers! Hi and enjoy!)

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