Saturday, August 15, 2009


Many of you may remember my post about the spider in the drawer of my bedside table ( Here is a photo in case you don't want to look back.

Since then, I have been understandably cautious when reaching into the drawer, particularly in the dark. I did just that the other night, to get my over-the-head type headphones. It was dark, but I reached in anyway and felt around for the headphones which had the cord wrapped tidily around them. When I pulled them out, I felt something small and soft against my hand, which fell to the bed as I retrieved the headset. I immediately looked down and my eyes were adjusted, but without my glasses I could only make out a small dark shape against the sheet.

In a panic, I quickly grabbed the top sheet and covered it, then proceded to beat the daylights out my unwelcome visitor. Once I mustered the courage to look and see what terrifying creature had invaded my space, I turned on the light and lifted the sheet to discover I had done no damage at all to a foam earplug.

1 comment:

Jeff Hanson said...

Poor helpless earpiece.