Friday, November 21, 2008

Blood of the Lamb Batteries, Ltd.

WARNING: Some content may be offensive to some readers. (Dr. SpikeeYamaguchi, this one's for you!)

So, Christian missionaries have been coming to Africa for hundreds of years and here in Ghana, it seems to have taken a strong hold - and is peacefully co-existing alongside Islam and more traditional African religions. According to the 2000 government census, Ghana's religious divisions are as follows: Christian 69%, Muslim 16%, African beliefs 15%. According to wikipedia, the Christianity and Islam practiced in Ghana have many aspects of traditional African religion integrated into them. While wikipedia is not an official source, this is quite believable to me, as co-opting the traditions of existing religions has been a standard approach to conversion for thousands of years. One need look no further for evidence than the date chosen to celebrate Christmas, the Christmas tree itself, gift giving, lights, and yule logs as part of Christmas, and the Easter egg, to name a few.

Thus, the incorporation of some local African traditions into the Christian experience in Africa is completely understandable. And if one of those traditions had to do with the wrath of God, as described in this article about a menengitis outbreak in Ghana last week (mom, don't freak out), who could blame the Ghanaian Christians for doing everything possible to avoid pissing off said God. Another strong tradition is around honor and respect for elders and leaders, which certainly must also include God.

So, how best to honor and respect God while making it perfectly clear that you want to stay on his good side? Why not name your shop after him? What better way to show your love? Hey, we could have been Believe in Him Batteries, Ltd or Blessed Mother Battery Company! But, thankfully, it wasn't necessary. I don't think Whit minds pissing off God now and then.

Here are just a few examples of shop names we see every day.

While the "Christ is the Answer Home of Fashion" ranks right up there, my very most favorite of all - which I drive by twice a week - is:

Bless you all.

1 comment:

Spikey said...

OMG (get it?) I loved your blogpost! I couldn't remember where it was so am behind in my reading. Will catch up now. But am having a ridiculously tough time being allowed to leave a comment. I wrote to Carla recently and she is doing well, since greetings!